Friday, October 29, 2010

5, 6, and 7 Months Pregnant

Time flies when you are having fun :) I was going to edit out all the acne, but those of you who spend any time with me would have wondered where it went. I've had such bad cystic acne with this pregnancy. I am at the dermatologist every other week and it still wont go away. There is just nothing you can do when you are pregnant. It is worth being pregnant with a beautiful girl but I really hope she doesn't get my skin!

Robbie turns 2

Ok, so he turned 2 about a month ago. As you can tell I'm a little behind blogging. He is such a fun kid. He loves Buzz Lightyear, chasing Chino around, pretending to be a scary monster, eating corn, and playing Monster Trucks and Dinosaurs. We have a name for every toy he has and he loves calling every one of them by that name.